-Ss. 426(1) & 497---Suspension
of sentence and grant of bail ---Principles---Provisions under S.426(1),
Cr.P.C. are analogous to the one contained in S.497, Cr.P.C.; in both the cases
the sentence
2010 SCMR 580
2010 SCMR 580
Cancellation of bail
---Principles---Considerations for cancellation of bail are different from
those for grant of bail ---bail can be cancelled, if the order on the face of
it is perverse, patently
2010 SCMR 576
Cancellation of bail granted on medical ground---Principles---Grant of bail to an accused on medical ground is not a State bounty in perpetuity, which once granted cannot be withdrawn
2010 SCMR 1989
Special provision---Scope---When law
makers have provided some special provision in statute to bar the jurisdiction
of Special Court established under such enactment, due weight is to be given to
2009 SCMR 1488
bail ---Principles---Courts in cases, where offence falls within non-prohibitory clause of S.497, Cr.P.C., consider favourably by granting bail as a rule but decline to do so in
2009 SCMR 1210
bail ---Further inquiry---Where
evidence on record is °vague and sketchy and prosecution version leaves much to
be inquired into, the bail can be granted by pressing into service the concept
2009 SCMR 1202
-Cancellation of bail
---Principle---Considerations for cancellation of bail are quite distinct from
the considerations for grant of bail ---Strong and exceptional grounds are
required for cancelling
2009 PLD 58 SC
bail ---Counter-versions---Further
inquiry---Cases of counter-versions arising from the same incident, one given
by the complainant in F.I.R. and the other given by the opposite party, are
covered for
2009 SCMR 834
Forfeiture of surety bond---General
rule---Courts while forfeiting bail bond amount should not show any undue
leniency and their approach should be dynamic and progressive-oriented with the
desire to
2009 SCMR 734
-bail ---Trial belated---bail cannot
be claimed as a matter of right in a criminal offence merely for the reason
that trial has not proceeded, particularly when the facts and circumstances of
the case
2009 PLD 749 SC
bail petitions etc., filing
of---Instructions to avoid delay in disposal of urgent cases---In view of the
difficulties of the accused persons confined in custody, it was ordered on
administration side
2009 PLD 427 SC
bail before arrest, grant
of---Framework within which and the guidelines according to which, the
jurisdiction vesting in the High Courts and Courts of Session is to be
exercised summarized.
2009 PLD 427 SC
bail before arrest, grant
of---Framework within which and the guidelines according to which, the
jurisdiction vesting in the High Courts and Courts of Session is to be
exercised summarized.
2008 SCMR 807
bail does not mean acquittal of
accused but only change of custody from Government agencies to the sureties,
who on furnishing bonds take responsibility to produce the accused whenever and
wherever he
2008 SCMR 173
Constitution of Pakistan (1973),
Art.185(3)---bail , grant of---Rule of consistency---Co-accused in the case had
already been admitted to bail ---Accused were also allowed bail in view of the
rule of
2008 SCMR 1489
S. 526---Penal Code (XLV of 1860),
Ss.302/324/148/149/109---Constitution of Pakistan (1973), Art.l85(3)---Transfer
of case---Grant of bail to one accused by the Trial Court by itself was not a
2008 SCMR 1316
S. 497---Constitution of Pakistan
(1973), Art.185(3)---bail , grant of----Petitioner had called in question order
passed by High Court whereby his petition for grant of bail was dismissed---No
2008 SCMR 980
S. 497---Pre-arrest bail , grant
of---Object---Pre-arrest bail may be granted when a case is based on enmity,
mala fide, registered for ulterior motive, or where no offence is shown to have
2007 SCMR 843
Ss. 497(1) & 498---Prevention of
Corruption Act (II of 1947), S.5(2)---Penal Code (XLV of 1860),
Ss.419/420/468/471/109---Pre-¬arrest bail , confirmation of---No direct
evidence was available with
2007 SCMR 575
-S. 514---Penal Code (XLV of 1860),
Ss.302, 324, 395, 148 & 149---Forfeiture of bail bond---Reduction in amount
of surety---Accused persons for whom petitioners stood surety having absented
2007 SCMR 482
--S. 497(5)---Penal Code (XLV of
1860), S.302---bail , cancellation of---Principles---Jurisdiction of Supreme
Court---Scope---Supreme Court, ordinarily does not interfere with the order of
High Court
2007 PLD 564 SC
2008 SCMR 807
bail does not mean acquittal of
accused but only change of custody from Government agencies to the sureties,
who on furnishing bonds take responsibility to produce the accused whenever and
wherever he
2008 SCMR 173
Constitution of Pakistan (1973),
Art.185(3)---bail , grant of---Rule of consistency---Co-accused in the case had
already been admitted to bail ---Accused were also allowed bail in view of the
rule of
2008 SCMR 1489
S. 526---Penal Code (XLV of 1860),
Ss.302/324/148/149/109---Constitution of Pakistan (1973), Art.l85(3)---Transfer
of case---Grant of bail to one accused by the Trial Court by itself was not a
2008 SCMR 1316
S. 497---Constitution of Pakistan
(1973), Art.185(3)---bail , grant of----Petitioner had called in question order
passed by High Court whereby his petition for grant of bail was dismissed---No
2008 SCMR 980
S. 497---Pre-arrest bail , grant
of---Object---Pre-arrest bail may be granted when a case is based on enmity,
mala fide, registered for ulterior motive, or where no offence is shown to have
2007 SCMR 843
Ss. 497(1) & 498---Prevention of
Corruption Act (II of 1947), S.5(2)---Penal Code (XLV of 1860),
Ss.419/420/468/471/109---Pre-¬arrest bail , confirmation of---No direct
evidence was available with
2007 SCMR 575
-S. 514---Penal Code (XLV of 1860),
Ss.302, 324, 395, 148 & 149---Forfeiture of bail bond---Reduction in amount
of surety---Accused persons for whom petitioners stood surety having absented
2007 SCMR 482
--S. 497(5)---Penal Code (XLV of
1860), S.302---bail , cancellation of---Principles---Jurisdiction of Supreme
Court---Scope---Supreme Court, ordinarily does not interfere with the order of
High Court
2007 PLD 564 SC
-Ss. 426(1) & 497---Suspension
of sentence and grant of bail ---Principles---Provisions under S.426(1),
Cr.P.C. are analogous to the one contained in S.497, Cr.P.C.; in both the cases
the sentence
2007 PLD 255 SC
2007 PLD 255 SC
--Art. 185(2)---Criminal
appeal---Maintainability---Principle that fugitive from justice loses right of
hearing appeal filed on his behalf through a counsel---Scope---Only basis of
such principle is
2007 SCMR 1607
S. 498---bail before arrest, grant
of---Principles. bail before arrest can be granted when the arrest of accused
is eminent, with ulterior motive, mala fide or is due to false implication
apparent on
2006 SCMR 1292
-S. 497(5)---Penal Code (XLV of
1860), Ss.302, 324, 129, 120-B & 34---bail , cancellation
of---Conspiracy---Abetment---Amalgamating the act of "abetment" with
"conspiracy" for commission of offence
2006 SCMR 1265
--S. 497---bail ---Where the charge
had been framed, High Court may have directed for completion of trial by
adopting certain modalities.
Court is empowered to cancel the bail if the order
Court is empowered to cancel the bail if the order
2006 SCMR 1225
-Ss. 426, 496 & 497---Power
conferred under S.426, Cr.P.C. is not controlled by the provisions of Ss.496
and 497, Cr.P.C., but the principles enunciated therein can be taken into
2005 SCMR 1291
-Art. 199---National Accountability
Ordinance (XVIII of 1999), S.9(b)---Constitutional jurisdiction of High Court
under Art.199 of the Constitution---Scope---bail , grant of-High Court can
always grant
2005 PLD 364 SC
-S. 497(1)(5)---bail on medical
ground, grant of---Criteria---Right of prosecution to seek cancellation of
bailafter improvement of health of accused---Principles stated.
2005 SCMR 1524
-Ss. 306(c) & 308---Constitution
of Pakistan (1973), Art.185(3)---Reappraisal of evidence---Dead body of
deceased was recovered from house of accused where deceased was living with him
as his wife
2004 SCMR 1167
-S. 498---Pre-arrest bail ---Direct
approach to High Court---Practice and procedure---Normally a person against
whom a case has been registered, may approach in the first instance the original
Court i.
2002 SCMR 442
Ss. 497 & 498---bail in non-bail
able offences---None can claim bail as of right in non-bail able offences even
though the same do not fall under the prohibitory clause of S.497, Cr.P.C.
2002 SCMR 282
2002 SCMR 282
bail ---- bail cannot be withheld as
punishment on accusation of non-bail able offences against an accused
2002 SCMR 184
Criminal Procedure Code (Cr.P.C)
----Ss. 497/498---Constitution of Pakistan (1973), Art.185(3)---Leave to appeal
was granted by the Supreme Court to consider whether after withdrawal of first
2002 PLD 1 SC
Criminal Procedure Code (Cr.P.C)
----Ss. 497 & 498---Constitution of Pakistan (1973), Art. 184(3)---bail
---Suo motu criminal review under Art. 184(3) of the Constitution by the
Supreme Court---
2000 SCMR 48
Criminal Procedure Code (Cr.P.C) S.
497---Constitution of Pakistan (1973), Art. 185(3) grant or refusal of
bail---Cancellation of bail ---Leave to appeal was granted by Supreme Court to
2000 SCMR 1854
Principle of vicarious
liability---Applicability---Accused persons had only 'Sotis' with them and did
not cause any injury to the deceased---Only simple injuries were caused by
accused to victim---
1999 SCMR 338
Criminal Procedure Code (Cr.P.C) Ss.
497 & 498---bail , gram and cancellation of---Principles---No hard and fast
rule can be laid down that bail should not be cancelled merely because the
trial has
1999 SCMR 2823
Criminal Procedure Code (Cr.P.C) S.
497---Constitution of Pakistan (1973), Art. 185(3)---bail , grant of ---Well
reasoned discretionary order of High Court granting bail to accused, could not
1999 SCMR 2148
Criminal Procedure Code (Cr.P.C) S.
497---Penal Code (XLV of 1860), S. 302---Constitution of Pakistan (1973), Art.
185 (3)---bail ---Sessions Court had rightly exercised discretion in allowing
bail to
1998 SCMR 908
Offences in Respect of Banks
(Special Courts) Ordinance 1984 S. 5(7) Fixation of amount of bail Object
Object of fixing the amount of bail in a case is not to penalize the person
facing the trial, but
1998 SCMR 496
Criminal Procedure Code (Cr.P.C)
----S. 497---bail ---Appreciation of evidence---Appreciation of evidence cannot
take place at bail stage. -[Evidence]
1998 PLD 97 SC
Pakistan Penal Code ----S.
497---Penal Code (XLV of 1860), S.302/34---bail , grant of---ilea of
alibi---Effect---bail can be granted in a case of capital charge on the plea of
alibi if peculiar facts
1998 SCMR 1758
Pakistan Penal Code ----S.
409/420/467/468/471/109---Prevention of Corruption Act (II of 1947),
S.5(2)---Constitution of Pakistan (1973), Art. 185(3)---Leave to appeal was
granted by Supreme Court to
1998 SCMR 1528
Criminal Procedure Code (Cr.P.C)
----S. 497/498---bail ---Accused can be detained in jail pending investigation
or decision provided the dictates of justice and public good so
demand---Refusal or grant
1998 PLD 1 SC
bail Concept.---- Relief given by a
Court like release of an accused on bail is not procedural--Principles---Grant
or refusal of bail does not. bring any progress in trial of an accused facing a
1997 SCMR 1275
Criminal Procedure Code (Cr.P.C)
-----S. 497(1), first proviso---bail on medical ground---Every ailment does no
attract invocation of discretion contained in first proviso to S. 497(1),
1997 SCMR 1234
Criminal Procedure Code (Cr.P.C) S. 498---Pre-arrest
bail ---Principle---Arrest for ulterior motives such as humiliation and
unjustified harassment is a valid consideration for .grant of pre-arrest
1997 SCMR 361
Criminal Procedure Code (Cr.P.C)
----S. 497 (1), fourth proviso---Refusal of bail ---bail can be refused to an
accused under the fourth proviso to S. 497 (1), Cr.P.C. despite the fact that
his trial
1997 PLD 545 SC
Pakistan Penal Code ----S.
497---Penal Code (XLV of 1860), Ss.161, 120, 120-B, 223, 224, 225, 427, 457,
166, 34 & 109---Prevention of Corruption Act (I1 of 1947), S.5(2)--bail ,
refusal to grant---
1997 SCMR 1829
Criminal Procedure Code (Cr.P.C)
----S. 497/498---Penal Code (XLV of 1860), S.302/34---bail ---Plea of
alibi--Plea of alibi raised in a bail matter may not be outrightly rejected and
can be gone into
1997 SCMR 1361
Constitution of Pakistan 1973
----Art. 184(3)---Offences in Respect of Banks (Special Courts) Ordinance (IX
of 1984), S.4---bail ---Constitutional petitions had been directly filed under
Art.184(3) of
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