Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Muhammadan Law and Supreme Court gift

Muhammadan Law and Supreme Court
2003 SCMR 286
Muhammadan Law ----Gift---Delivery of possession---Principle---Mere recital in the gift deed that possession has been delivered to the donee would not be enough unless the delivery thereof was proved
2000 SCMR 1126
Muhammadan Law ----Faith---Determination---Plea was that deceased was a Shia Muslim--Registration of subscription though had been maintained by the Shia Sect in the village but that was not produced
2000 SCMR 1021
Muhammadan Law Gift---Validity---Donor who had no male issue and was absolute owner of the property, in order to provide security to his wife during his lifetime orally gifted the land to his wife and
1999 SCMR 971
Muhammadan Law ----Will---Essentials---A Muslim could not make any will in favour of any heir unless the other prospective heirs had consented to such will. ---- Will---No evidence was available to
1998 SCMR 2124
Muhammadan Law ----Gift---Allegation of gift being fake and fraudulent---Leave to appeal was granted by Supreme Court to examine the various contentions raised and for reappraisal of evidence as huge
1997 SCMR 987
Muhammadan Law ---- Marriage---Nikah without consent of wali of bride---Validity---Leave to appeal was granted to consider question of great public importance as to whether marriage between Muslim
1997 SCMR 281
Muhammadan Law ----Inheritance---Duty of Court---In cases which involve inheritance inter se among the legal heirs, Court should -make efforts to ensure that no legal heir is denied of his legal share
1997 SCMR 1824
Muhammadan Law ---- Khanqah is a juristic institution. --- Khanqah---Sajjadanashin---Rights and duties.
Muhammadan Law ---- Ziarat does not have any juristic
1996 SCMR 19
Muhammadan Law Gift---Validity---Tenant's locus standi to challenge validity of gift---Tenant would have no locus stanch to challenge validity of gift of property in question, to donees except on
1995 SCMR 710
Muhammadan Law Gift---Validity---Plaintiff's admission on the factum of gift proved necessary ingredients of the gift in question; of declaration; of delivery of possession; and acceptance by the
1994 SCMR 804
Muhammadan Law ----Waqf---Charitable dedication---Building constructed was for the sole purpose of dedication to charitable use and was so used for decades---Such charitable dedication can be termed
Top of Form

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

picture citation

S.103 Cr.P.C. Vs. 40 QSO
"---Word `Mashirnama' was not mentioned in S.103 of Cr.P.C. but for their convenience, police described record prepared under S.103, Cr.P.C. as `Mashirnama'
Under S.103, Cr.P.C., the word `Mashir' meant two or more #respectable_inhabitants of locality or neighbourhood of place searched by police officer.
#Requirement of law under S.103, Cr.P.C., concerning preparation of record was that the police officer would prepare list of things seized, show the places from where such things were recovered and get the same signed by two witnesses/Mashirs-
If a police officer mentioned facts in Mashirnama beyond scope of S.103, Cr.P.C. then he was doing so in excess of his official duty and entries of such facts in `Mashirnama' were not to be in the discharge of his public duty-
Such facts were not to be admissible in evidence under Art.49 of Qanun-e-Shahadat, 1984-
Provisions of S.103, Cr.P.C., are not applicable in respect of searches made under
#Ss_20_21_22_and_23 of Control of Narcotic Substances Act, 1997 in view of S.25 of the said Act.
Provisions of S.103, Cr.P.C., Are applicable to #search_of_a_house but not to search made elsewhere i.e. on highways or road sides or public places like railway stations, bus stands or airports. ((PLD 2006 KARACHI 698))
What is the difference between a search under section 103 Cr.P.C and search under Article 40 of QSO....?
S. 103 Cr. P. C. relates to search by a police officer under Chapter VII of Cr.P.C and not to the case where a weapon of offence is produced or
recovered by the Police at the instance of the accused. When an accused under
interrogation leads to recovery or discovery of any fact which was within his knowledge
section 103 Cr. P. C. has no relevance. In such a case the recovery got made by accused
would be admissible under Article 40 of the Q.S. Order 1984, and therefore strict
compliance of section 103 Cr. P. C. is not necessary..

Divorce on the basis of Khula would be the one Talaq...Husband and wife can reunion without intervening marriage i.e (HALALA). Even after 10 year and even the Talaq MOUSAR certificate by the union council has been issued....Reliance can be made on the following
2011 CLC 1211..
PLD 2011 Lah 458..
PLD 2003 Pesh, 169.




Sunday, 20 November 2016

police summery

LL.M. (Authority)
Associate Professor(V)
College of Law(GCUF)
149 District Courts, Faisalabad.
First Information report is not the vocabulary of Cr.P.C. Section-154 Cr.P.C only mentions the word information. Cancellation of an FIR and discharge of an accused or set of accused has been a matter of judicial discussion. Judge made law from time to time by means of Interpretation has given different versions. In some authoritative pronouncements, order passed by Magistrate in either case is judicial and vice versa Administrative. However vide rule-2 chapter II-D, part-D (Cancellation of cases reported by Police). Order passed on report submitted by the Police to the Magistrate seeking cancellation of the case is an Administrative order (Bahedur and an other V/S the State and an other) PLD-1985-SC-62.
Study of the case law has clarified this idea that it is the act of interpretation by the Honorable Judges that may make and change the nature of the order. For example order passed by Justice of Peace was treated as an Administrative order  but through a latest judgment titled Younas Abbas V/S Additional Sessions Judge Chakwal and others as reported in PLD-2016-SC-581. the previous view and ratio as contained in Kizar Hayat and others V/S Inspector General of Police Punjab, Lahore and others (PLD-2005-Lahore-470) and Muhammad Ali V/S Additional Inspector General (PLD-2015-SC-753) as much as it held that functions performed by Ex-Officio Justice of Peace were Executive, Administrative or Magisterial had been disagreed by the August Supreme Court of Pakistan.
The matter to be resolved and involved is whether the new legislations after the case law
Bahedur and an other V/S The State and an other SC-62 permits any emergence, amendment or omission of rule-2 of chapter II-D regarding cancellation of cases reported by police. Review of legal literature as incorporated therein is the need of the hour and its reliance as well. Revisit of rule 24.7 of the police rules, 1934 is important but the resolution of the controversy whether the order passed by the Megistrate on police report is Adminstrative Judicial or Qausi-Judicial is more important.
Chapter XXIV. Rule-24.7
(Unless the investigation of a case is transferred to another police station or district, no first information report can be cancelled without the orders of a magistrate of the 1st class. When information or other intelligence is recorded under section 154, Criminal Procedure Code, and, after investigation , is found to be maliciously false or false owing to mistake of law or fact or to be non-cognizable or matter for a civil suit, the Superintendent shall send the first information report and any other papers on record in the case with the final report to a magistrate having jurisdiction and being a magistrate of the first class, for orders of cancellation. On receipt of such an order, the officer in charge of the police station shall cancel the first information report by drawing a red line across the page, noting the name of the magistrate cancelling the case with number and date of order. He shall then return the original order to the Superintendent’s office to be filed with the record of case.
The point involved for determination is whether at the time of dealing with police report the Magistrate acts as a court or persona designata. The view finds favor when the definition of court as contained in Article-2(A) of the Qanun-e-Shadat order (10 of 1984) which is as under “Court includes all Judges and Magistrates, and all persons, except arbitrators, legally authorized to take evidence is taken into account.The author of this Article with optimum respect submits that the Advocates appearing in the case titled Bahedur and an other V/S The State and an other at the time of arguments did not bring into the notice of the Supreme Court that the definition of Court includes all the Judges and Magistrates. In the said judgment the word Court does not find any mention. This aspect of the matter escaped notice.
The above view finds further support from the Punjab Criminal Prosecution Service (Constitution, Functions and Powers) Act 2006 (Act-III of 2006). Vide section-9, sub-section-4 the word court has been used “A police report U/S – 173 of the code including a report of cancellation of the First Information Report or a request for Discharge of a suspect or an accused shall be submitted to a Court through the prosecutor appointed under this Act”.
The same view also finds further and similar support from the newly framed rules viz the Punjab Anticorruption Establishment Rules 2014 Rule-10 (Dropping of case or reference for departmental action. Vide Rule-10(I) clause-b again the word Court has been used with particular reference to cancellation of report. Relevant text is an under:
(a)       On completion of investigation, if the allegations are not established, the case shall be dropped and intimation to the effect shall be sent to the concerned administrative department and the Public servant; and
(b)       If after investigation, it is found that judicial action is not warranted but reasonable evidence is available to initiate disciplinary action against the Public Servant, the establishment shall after the confirmation of the cancellation report by the concerned Court, refer the matter to the Competent Authority for initiation of such action in accordance with Law for the time being in force. The word confirmation in its wider sense by the Court implies act of agreeing or disagreeing. Rule 14 of the Punjab Anti Corruption Establishment Rules 2014 (Application of the Punjab Police Rules 1934) is to be resorted to for the purpose of inquiry or investigation.
After going through rule-24.7 of Police Rules 1934, it is understood that nowhere it has been laid down or the words recommendation by the Police regarding cancellation of case is found. The simple suggestion of result of investigation and of placing of the file before the Magistrate is gatherable. The load bearing point both in rule-2 as contained in chapter-II-D and in Supreme Court verdict that the cancellation order passed by the Magistrate is an Administrative order now needs to be reconsidered in view of new legislation and legislative wisdom. Another point worthy of consideration is that the relied upon judgment forming the basis of Rule 2 does not even contain the word Court as defined in Q.S.O-1984. An academic question may arise whether the said judgment may be regarded as Judgment Per Incurium. The researcher refrains from entering into a discussion over this point. It has been stressed by His Lordship Amir Raza. A.Khan in the book Code of Civil Procedure 11-Edition, the rules committee of the High Courts should continuously review the Code which also includes rules on Criminal side.
In 2011-YLR-2587 it has been held that every order passed by a Judicial Magistrate is to be treated as a Judicial order. The reasoning behind it that after the separation of Judiciary from the Executive, the term Magistrate has been defined under clause (ma) of sub-section-1 of section-4 of the Cr.P.C 1898 inserted vide ordinance XV-11 of 2001 w.e.f 14-08-2001 order passed by a Judicial Magistrate is revisable. A writ may also lie. Another view as contained in 2014-YLR-113 both the act of agreeing or disagreeing regarding cancellation report by the Police is an Administrative act. But while dealing with cancellation report, the Learned illaqa Magistrate when disagrees with the cancellation report and by the same order summons the accused person(s) then his first step of disagreeing with the cancellation report (Administrative in nature) would merge in his simultaneous order regarding summoning of the accused passed under section-204 which is squarely a Judicial order. Therefore due to the merger of disagreeing order of the Magistrate into the ultimate and simultaneous order of summoning of the accused the entire exercise by the Magistrate would become judicial action and undoubtedly such kind of order can be assailed through Criminal Revision.
In view of new promulgation of Laws, Rules, legislative wisdom and Landscape, the case Law titled Bahedur and an other V/S The State and an other PLD-1985-SC-62 after having lost its efficacy particularly in view of section-9(4) by the use of the vocabulary submitted to a Court and including a report of cancellation of F.I.R. as contained in reference No.7 and rule 10(1) clause-b after the confirmation of the cancellation report by the concerned Court vide reference No.5 and the word Court in Q.S.O permits revisit of Rule-2 of Chapter11-D of Volume-3 relating to cancellation of cases reported by Police. Cumulative effect hopefully of the present research is that a case of maintainability of revision in either case agreeing or disagreeing is established or establishable.
Rules making committee of LHC may take necessary notice of this research. It would be in consonance with the Policy of Law advancing remedy before District and Sessions Judge.
1.         (Bahedur and an other V/S the State and an other) PLD-1985-SC-62.
2.         Younas Abbas V/S Additional Sessions Judge Chakwal and others as reported in PLD-2016-SC-581.
3.         Kizar Hayat and others V/S Inspector General of Police Punjab, Lahore and others (PLD-2005-Lahore-470)
4.         Muhammad Ali V/S Additional Inspector General (PLD-2015-SC-753)
5.         Rules 10(1) clause-b and 14 of the Punjab Anti Corruption Establishment Rules 2014 (Application of the Punjab Police Rules 1934).
6.         Chapter XXIV. Rule-24.7of Police Rules 1934.
7.         The Punjab Criminal Prosecution Service (Constitution, Functions and Powers) Act 2006 (Act-III of 2006).
8.         Section-154 of Cr.P.C.(1898)
1.         Mirza Shahid Rizwan Baig Coordinator College of Law(GCUF).
2.         Mr Farroq Ahsan, DPP, Faisalabad(Officiating).
3.         Rana Naveed Anjum, Adv, Faisalabad.