Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Muhammadan Law and Supreme Court

Muhammadan Law and Supreme Court
2003 SCMR 286
Muhammadan Law ----Gift---Delivery of possession---Principle---Mere recital in the gift deed that possession has been delivered to the donee would not be enough unless the delivery thereof was proved
2000 SCMR 1126
Muhammadan Law ----Faith---Determination---Plea was that deceased was a Shia Muslim--Registration of subscription though had been maintained by the Shia Sect in the village but that was not produced
2000 SCMR 1021
Muhammadan Law Gift---Validity---Donor who had no male issue and was absolute owner of the property, in order to provide security to his wife during his lifetime orally gifted the land to his wife and
1999 SCMR 971
Muhammadan Law ----Will---Essentials---A Muslim could not make any will in favour of any heir unless the other prospective heirs had consented to such will. ---- Will---No evidence was available to
1998 SCMR 2124
Muhammadan Law ----Gift---Allegation of gift being fake and fraudulent---Leave to appeal was granted by Supreme Court to examine the various contentions raised and for reappraisal of evidence as huge
1997 SCMR 987
Muhammadan Law ---- Marriage---Nikah without consent of wali of bride---Validity---Leave to appeal was granted to consider question of great public importance as to whether marriage between Muslim
1997 SCMR 281
Muhammadan Law ----Inheritance---Duty of Court---In cases which involve inheritance inter se among the legal heirs, Court should -make efforts to ensure that no legal heir is denied of his legal share
1997 SCMR 1824
Muhammadan Law ---- Khanqah is a juristic institution. --- Khanqah---Sajjadanashin---Rights and duties.
Muhammadan Law ---- Ziarat does not have any juristic
1996 SCMR 19
Muhammadan Law Gift---Validity---Tenant's locus standi to challenge validity of gift---Tenant would have no locus stanch to challenge validity of gift of property in question, to donees except on
1995 SCMR 710
Muhammadan Law Gift---Validity---Plaintiff's admission on the factum of gift proved necessary ingredients of the gift in question; of declaration; of delivery of possession; and acceptance by the
1994 SCMR 804
Muhammadan Law ----Waqf---Charitable dedication---Building constructed was for the sole purpose of dedication to charitable use and was so used for decades---Such charitable dedication can be termed
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