AGE .................
* Civil servant has to go to Service Tribunal for correction in his date of birth. 2015 SCMR 456, 2014 MLD 440
* Opinion not based on ossifications test by doctor, held opinion rightly rejected. (DB) PLD 1977 Kar. 75 Mohammad Saleem .
* Opinion not supported by reliable evidence carries no value. PLD 1951 BJ 7 Ghulam Qadir v. Noor Ahmad.
* "The doctor's certificate which is only an assertion of opinion and the minor's declaration before the Magistrate as to age is no proof of age. (PC) AIR 1916 PC 242 followed in PLD 1952 BJ 15 Dittoo v. Crown. AIR 1928 Lah. 250 AIR 1939 All. 708.
* Medical certificate about age given preference over certificate issued by Cantonment Board. Medical Certificate gives a margin of one year either way. PLD 1988 Kar. 142, Jamshed v. Agha Suhail, etc.
* Age of accused. Best evidence is that of radiologist. Preference cannot be given to school leaving certificate on ground of that being more beneficial to the accused. (DB) PLD 1966 Pesh. 97 Hassan v. Bashir Ahmad.
* Proof. Evidence of radiologist is to be preferred to School Certificate. (DB) PLD 1972 Pesh. 27 Iftikhar.
* Ossification test. Age of victim girl determined by ossification test, held test not very much advanced in fixation of girl's age with accuracy. (DB) 1968 P.Cr.L.J. 529 Rajat Kundan.
* "Though a better guide to the age of a person yet it is not an accurate estimate. Margin of one year on either side possible. (DB) 1975 P.Cr.LJ 936 Yousaf.
* X-ray test for age is more accurate than other clinical means. 1975 P.Cr.LJ 1227 Abdul Rahim.
* On clinical and radiological examination the doctor opined the age of prosecutrix between 15 and 16 years. Held estimate of age on such considerations not always correct. PLJ 1975 Cr. C. (Kar.) 511 Banney Khan.
* X-ray ossification test. X-ray report and ossification test do not establish age with certainty or exactitude. Various factors control ossification. Estimate of age on radiological examination fixing gril's age between 15 and 16 year
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