Tuesday, 11 October 2016


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PLJ  2013  Cr.C  1007

Present to: Rauf Ahmad Sheikh and Syed Iftikhar Hussain Shah

STATE and another

 Criminal Procedure Code, 1898 (V of 1898)-- ----S. 497--Control of Narcotic Substances Act, (XXV of 1997), S. 9(c)--Bail, grant of--Allegation of--Recovery of charas--FIR does not reveal if the charas was weighed after removing the paper in which it was wrapped so its exact weight cannot be ascertained, which may more or less than one Kilogram--From this angle, the case hovers over the border line of Sections 9-B and 9-C of the Control of Narcotic Substances Act, 1997--No one has seen the, petitioner while selling the charas so alleged recovery of scale and weights does not show that he was involved in the selling the same--No evidence was available on the record to show that the sum of Rs.900/- allegedly recovered from the petitioner was, in fact, sale proceeds--Admittedly, the petitioner was not involved in any case under the Control of Narcotic Substances Act, 1997, in the past--He was behind the bars for a period of more than three months and his person was no more required for further investigation--Bail granted.

Judgement Result: Bail granted

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PLJ  2013 Cr.C  1005

Present to: Kh. Imtiaz Ahmad
STATE and another

 Criminal Procedure Code, 1898 (V of 1898)-- ----S. 497--Pakistan Penal Code, (XLV of 1860), S. 489-F--Bail, grant of--Further inquiry--Dishonoured of cheque--Agreement between parties that the land would be transferred in favour of petitioner--Bail cannot be refused on this ground if otherwise the petitioner is entitled for his bail on merits--Petitioner was previously non convict--Copy of the sale deed has also been produced by the counsel for the complainant--This sale deed clearly showed that it was only person who was the vendee and no where the name of the petitioner has been mentioned nor the police has ever recorded the statement of said person that the land has been transferred in his name on the asking of the petitioner--The petitioner has been sent to judicial lock up and was no more required for the investigation purpose--The offence does not fall under the prohibitory clause and even otherwise the case of the petitioner definitely required further inquiry--Petition was allowed.

Judgement Result: Bail granted

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PLJ 2013  Cr.C 997

Present to: Altaf Ibrahim Qureshi and Shahid Bilal Hassan

 ABID HUSSAIN & others 
STATE & others

 Pakistan Penal Code, 1860 (XLV of 1860)-- ----S. 302(b)--Conviction and sentence--Challenge to--Prosecution has been able to prove the charge of qatl-i-amd of deceased against appellant beyond any shadow of doubt through the ocular account of unimpeachable character, which was supported by the medical evidence and also corroborated by the recording of the FIR with promptitude--As such the conviction recorded by the trial Court against appellant u/S. 302(b), PPC was maintained--So far as the quantum of sentence is concerned, it was found that the occurrence had taken place at the spur of moment for some immediate cause as when the PWs attracted to the spot, both the deceased and the appellant were found grappling with each other when the fire was made by the latter, but what happened immediately before the occurrence resulting into commission thereof could not be brought on the record by either side--The motive as well as the recovery also could not be proved--In such facts and circumstances awarding of the capital sentence of death to appellant by the trial Court through the impugned judgment was not warranted, which was converted to life, imprisonment.

Judgement Result: Appeal disposed of

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PLJ  2013 Cr.C  994

Present to: Sayyed Mazahar Ali Akbar Naqvi
STATE & another

 Criminal Procedure Code, 1898 (V of 1898)-- ----S. 497--Pakistan Penal Code, (XLV of 1860), S. 489-F--Bail, grant of--Dishonoured of cheque--Sentence does not attract the prohibition contained in Section 497, Cr.P.C.--In cases not punishable with death, transportation of life or 10 years imprisonment, grant of bail is a rule and refusal is an exception--Petitioner was previous non-convict and behind the bars--As far as his involvement in six other cases, the same were registered at the instance of business partners of the petitioner/complainant--Even otherwise, he has also been granted bail in the aforesaid cases--Investigation was completed, his corpus was no more required by police for further investigation--Bail accepted.
Judgement Result: Bail accepted
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PLJ  2013 Cr.C  991

Present to: Miss Aalia Neelum

 NAEEM ANWAR and another 
STATE and another

 Cancellation of bail-- ----Principle--Considerations for the cancellation of bail are quite different from the consideration for the grant of bail--Once a bail has been granted by the Court of competent jurisdiction while exercising its discretion in a judicious manner, there must be strong and exceptional reasons for its cancellation--For cancellation of bail, very strong, exceptional and cogent reasons regarding misusing, abusing, hampering with the prosecution evidence and repetition of same offence.
Judgement Result: Bail dismissed

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PLJ 2013 Cr.C  991

Present to: Miss Aalia Neelum

 NAEEM ANWAR and another 
STATE and another

 Criminal Procedure Code, 1898 (V of 1898)-- ----S. 497--Pakistan Penal Code, (XLV of 1860), Ss. 302/324/337-A(i), 337-F(iii), 337-A(iii), 337-F(vi), 148, 149, 109--Bail, dismissal of--Petitioners were nominated in the FIR and the role of causing injuries was ascribed to them--As per F.I.R. petitioner fired at the deceased with his pistol and caused fire-arm injury on the left side of neck of deceased which was duly reflected in the post-mortem report i.e. injury and his case was distinguishable from that of his co-accused--Ocular account was in line with the medical evidence--The prosecution has sufficient material with it to connect the petitioner with the commission of offence--The case of the petitioner falls within the prohibitory clause of Section 497, Cr.P.C.--In these circumstances, pre-arrest bail petition of petitioner was hereby dismissed.

Judgement Result: Bail dismissed

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PLJ      2013     Cr.C     986

Present to: Syed Muhammad Kazim Raza Shamsi
STATE and another

 Criminal Procedure Code, 1898 (V of 1898)-- ----S. 497(2)--Pakistan Penal Code, (XLV of 1860), 1860, Ss. 302, 109, 148 & 149--Bail, grant of--Further inquiry--Allegation of--Involvement in murder of deceased--Petitioner was holding the deceased by his arm--Animosity inter-se--Brother of the petitioner was murdered and in this respect an FIR was lodged against the present complainant side--The involvement of the petitioner with the allegation of holding the deceased by his arm, appears to involve whole of the family members of the petitioner as one arm was allegedly hold by the petitioner while the other one by co-accused when Haji brother of petitioner fired at the deceased--Similarly, the determination of the vicarious liability at this stage is not possible--Admittedly, the parties are having animosity inter-se therefore, in these circumstances, determination of the role played by the petitioner in the incident requires further inquiry--In view of this, the petitioner is found entitled for the concession of bail.
Judgement Result: Bail allowed

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PLJ 2013  Cr.C  976

Present to: Altaf Ibrahim Qureshi and Shahid Bilal Hassan
STATE & other 
JARAY KHAN & others

 Pakistan Penal Code, 1860 (XLV of 1860)-- ----S. 302(b)--Conviction and sentence--Challenge to--Recovery of weapon of offence at the instance of the appellant was shown to have been effected from the house of the co-accused--Moreover, no person from the locality was joined to witness the said recovery and provisions of Section 103, Cr.P.C. were violated as the alleged recovery witness was admittedly residing 13/14 kilometers away from that place--Even otherwise the recovery of crime weapon is only a corroborative piece of evidence, which by itself is not sufficient to convict the accused in the absence of substantive evidence--ocular testimony and as such there is no substantive piece of evidence which requires to be corroborated through the recoveries--Thus, the recovery evidence in the present circumstances of the case has no weight--Eyewitnesses were not present at the spot--So the motive alone cannot be made basis for maintaining the conviction against the appellant without any other evidence and even otherwise the trial Court has already disbelieved the motive through the impugned judgment, which need not be further discussed by High Court--Appeal accepted.

Judgement Result: Appeal accepted